Effectiveness of Massage on Tension Type Headache Pain In Ages 25-50 Years


  • Viecilia Tirta Buana Imron Universitas Binawan
  • Alifah Nanda Zalika Universitas Binawan
  • Dini Nur Alpiah Universitas Binawan




massage;, manual therapy;, tension type headache;, headache


This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of massage on tension headache pain at the age of 25-50 years. Manual therapy is non-invasive which is easy to apply without causing side effects. This study aims to see how much the effectiveness of massage on Tension Headache pain at the age of 25-50 years. The research design used was a literature review using PICO data in several databases such as Google Scholar and PubMed. There were 10 journals that met the criteria and showed the results that manual tea therapy massage which was carried out 2 times a week for 4 weeks with a duration of 45 minutes applied with gentle pressure showed p <0.05 showing a significant effect on reducing Tension Headache pain. It can be interpreted that Manual Therapy Massage is effective in reducing the pain felt in tension headache sufferers.


