Patient Satisfaction with Physiotherapi Services In Hospital


  • Maria Emilia Universitas Binawan
  • Dewi Aprillya Sekararum Universitas Binawan
  • Aliya Dwi Latifa Universitas Binawan
  • Dini Nur Alpiah Universitas Binawan



services;, physiotherapy;, hospital


Hospitals are one of the various facilities owned by each country which are used to provide health services to the entire community, therefore every hospital is obliged to provide quality health services so that they can satisfy every patient who is undergoing treatment. To realize the stated goals of every hospital in terms of building health services in hospitals, especially in Physiotherapy services, every hospital must have services that are at a good level. Such as in terms of therapist competency, knowledge that is always upgraded by each health worker, professionalism of health workers, and good communication between health workers and patients. This research aims to analyze patient satisfaction with physiotherapy services using a literature review method based on data from Google Scholar or Google Scholar. We use the literature of 4 journals. The results and conclusions of this research obtained from 4 previous journals stated that patients were satisfied with the physiotherapy services provided at the hospital with a p-value < 0.05.


